
Yeah…. I see why they went this way though - they tried to keep each episode true to its home show. But characters behaved oddly when not on their same show is what I'm saying. Like they figured no one would notice. Ugh.

Kinda unfair to the Arrowverse writers to claim "it's not that hard." Actually - it probably is and maybe DCEU should take note - it's hard to do the Super-family right. You need the RIGHT person for the writing, not just the visuals..

Did she trample it or was she talking and barfing at the same time?!

I just did… and someone else did as well - but I haven't found the comment.

I wasn't thrilled with ANY of the cross-over, as so many character choices were so obviously serviced by cross-over needs. Cisco's eagerness to time travel was just… SERIOUSLY?! IN what universe does a guy so furiously grieving his brother's death by time travel eff-up jump at a chance to time travel? Ugh. But one

Sorry for being late and not wading through 861 comments, but surely someone noted the reference to ST:TNG? Someone in the comments had to already tell our kind reviewer that they missed that "stray observation." Right? RIGHT?!?!

Maybe because I didn't watch this show til two years ago, but I liked and understood the episode. The show was about will to power, and it's central thesis is that everyone wants power. Olivia doesn't quite want to deal with the reality of how far she and others will go for power, and in her blindness, she misses how

"who is the epitome of purity with her pale skin, blonde hair, and all-white nurse’s uniform" Really? Which part of this description are we to take as the "epitome of purity"?

~HA!!~ Ok… you may be right….

Begging your pardon, but since I don't live in a gated community, and since I come from a big metropolitan city such as Gotham is alleged to be… I stand by my opinion. It seems racist to me. Sorry if you think that's bs., but you're entitled to an opinion as am I.

Cool? After the stereotypical black church ladies with accents that don't match the setting, the thugs on the boat and Fish's sudden ferocious lunge looked staged to heighten the animalistic appearance of both. I thought the episode was racist in a way that makes me not want to watch this show again.

Grimm has gone upstate. Nick's parents are from Rhinebeck. The long lost Alphas had a facility in Binghamton. So, no, Person of Interest is not breaking new ground here.

Cybertek incentives are family members. We know this from the episode when Skye freed the "incentive" of the head Cybertek guy before going to get Mike Peterson's "incentive" - aka, his son.