
I like your comment, particularly the first paragraph.

I can’t wait for robot brothels so dudes who just want to get laid will stop texting me pictures of their peens and asking me to “chill and smoke a bowl or whatever”. It would perhaps eliminate a huge group of fuckboys from the dating pool, and that to me is beautiful.

In my entirely unqualified opinion, sex robots of an actual human being who has not consented to have a sex robot made of her/him are unethical, creepy, and really borderline a violation, but sex robots not made in the likeness of a specific human being or made with a person’s permission are not unethical. Creepy to

I’m curious why no one mentions that there might be a market for male sex bots aimed at straight women? Aren’t sex toys for women a much bigger market than sex toys for me?

“In America you can’t even talk about whiteness,” said Drew Domalick, who lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist”

“The German law accepts that a man generally has the right to touch a woman, to have sexual intercourse with a woman. It’s his right, unless the woman shows her resistance very, very strongly.”

“This is the irony women’s activists are struggling with in the wake of attacks in Cologne. A quick squeeze of the breasts, a hand on the ass, an unwanted kiss — when it happens in a public space, none of these are against the law in Germany.”

Wait a minute: the entire point of this article is that Germany is a country where legally women are not sufficiently protected from physical assault on public, men seem to be aware of this fact, and German men have taken advantage of this loophole, if you will, on many occasions. The culture in countries of origin of

I love you you are my new favourite being on this planet

Pretty sure it also includes the *RIGHT TO BEAR SHARKS*!

Clearly, the original intent of the founders was the right for sharks to bear arms. Or for sharks to have bear arms? I don’t know; I’m not a Constitutional scholar.

You know, it's really hard just being a shark without all these unrealistic expectations weighing down on me because of how sharks are portrayed in the media. Sometimes I can't deal. Hence, why I ate this dick who couldn't watch where he was swimming.

As long as she’s not throwing up to maintain her girlish shark figure.

In a similar but unrelated note, I now bump into men who walk right into my path instead of moving to the side as we pass on narrow sidewalks.

I abhor murder. But if another animal is annoying the living crap out of you and your country doesn’t let you, a shark, have a gun - by all means, eat that animal.

Post-wine texted this to the ex-husband who keeps contacting me