
Next year's cover is going to be a woman in stirrups with a speculum in. Just right up in it. If we're having this vagina conversation anyway, we might as well see an actual vagina, damnit.

So everyone, answer me this:

Did HANNAH DAVIS decide which photo ended up on the cover? Did she make that call? Or did she just, you know, show up, do her job, and then someone chose that photo?

Did HANNAH DAVIS think "Yeah, I think I'll pull my bathing suit down a little, that is an idea I am having personally" or was

First of all, let me apologize on behalf of the well educated population of Saudi Arabia. This guy obviously either purchased his degree from college or attended classes sleeping, and I'm really ashamed of him saying such a thing. He is one of those people who rely on bullshit claims and illogical arguments set by

Now playing

To Kelly - and everyone - and especially Democrat in Arizona:

Jezebel ran an article about Bruce's impending coming out and E! series, and the consensus of the comments seemed to be "Fuck this asshole for making a public spectacle out of something that's such a painful process for so many people and turning it into a clown show just for attention."

Editor's note: We used the male pronoun in this piece because there has been no official confirmation from Jenner about a transition, nor has Jenner made clear any preference regarding pronouns. Please feel free to email me at marchman@deadspin.com if you have any questions or concerns.

I have so many FEELINGS about this. Man.

The presumably cisgender boys who assaulted me in a bathroom at my high school had no problem just walking the fuck right in. Banning trans women from using women's bathrooms doesn't protect me from rapists; it just fucks over a particular subset of women. (And, in case I need to spell that out, that's bullshit.)

Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.

Meghan Trainor, do you know what a vagina is? Beyoncé and "all those girls" may occasionally show the sides of their mons pubises (pubii?), but I mean, we aren't even seeing labias (labii? labia?) from any of them, much less their actual vagianas... But someone please correct me if there's been a blatant musical

I support him in his condemnation of transphobia, but can we please retire the phrase "last accepted form of prejudice?" Given how frequently it's used and how diverse the variety of prejudices it's deployed with, I think it's obvious that there are still lots of pretty widely accepted forms of prejudice. We're a

He was talking about how the magazines should be ashamed of making fun of Bruce Jenner, and how transphobia is one of the last widely accepted forms of discrimination or bigotry and it's terrible and awful. I can't recall the exact words but it was something to that effect.

I've been thinking, maybe it's because the news is so bad... Like, just full of terrible stuff. Every day, I'm confronted with conservatives and fundamentalists trying to remove women's rights, and everyone's freedom. There's crazy coverage of natural disasters, shootings, destruction of the environment... Maybe this

For what it's worth, if my partner motorboated my ass, I would likely laugh very hard, and quif in his face due to the excessive laughing. The dishes would also distract me.

"Those who have never screamed sang on a treadmill may cast the first stone."

My guy can only run outside if he can scream sing to his music. Which is why he'll only go running at night. On completely empty tracks. Because he is very shy about it. I myself have never witnessed it. He is a magical, screaming, sprinting