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    I didn’t think the original cast should have been in this film. TFA becomes a much more compelling retelling of the ANH story if the ANH heroes are dead and buried. History repeating itself 100 years down the line in a fictional story? Interesting and believable. History repeating itself 30 years down the line in a

    You don’t see that the first set of quotes you quoted, from the OT, are way more snappy and specific than the latter set, from TFA? To me, the first three are great and specific writing. The second three are first draft quips that needed a rewrite.

    I had myriad problems with TFA, but this was my biggest. Turning the three of them into failures who changed NOTHING and taking Han and Luke’s heroic arcs from the OT and destroying them. Would have much preferred to see The Force Awakening without Han, Luke, and Leia. Pretty much hoping they just shoot Leia and put

    Exactly. I don’t think there is much audience out there that had forgotten what Star Wars was...or couldn’t rent/buy/stream it to refresh their memory before seeing Ep VII.