
And still have enough left over for a happy ending.

And then they wonder why we don’t trust the police 100% of the time.

But..but..it’s the Muslims that hate women and teh gayz!!

I remember when the NYC’s barely-terrorist attacks happened last year, everyone went about their damn day like we always do in NYC. New Yorkers are more afraid of losing their monthly MetroCard right after buying it than they are afraid of terrorists.

Shit, even Chicago’s acting Top Thug is more eloquent than 45. #MakeAmericaThugsAgain

Breitbart offering internship as we speak!

This little girl is the most rude, obnoxious thugette ever. She seems to have a very short temper and likes to start shit with others. That being said, the passenger was wrong to rush her mom who clearly has a foot injury. Then again, this is Spirit which is like the McDonalds of all airlines, where most of the

Wow, I really hope her daughter is okay. I can’t believe she is 8 already, I remember when the they announced Jamie’s pregnancy. For some reason, everyone was soooooo shocked with Jamie and Solange’s pregnancy - as if money stops teens from living teen lives.

$12 for brunch in uppity Brooklyn is pretty decent. Anything above $20 for a brunch plate in NYC is high-end.

What new song has Katy come out with in the past year? I certainly haven’t heard it.

That smile is so beautiful and powerful, the man aged like a bottle of some fine ass wine!

Seriously, I was hoping Beyonce & Destiny’s Grandkids had shown up!! Her mere presence offends white conservatives’ delicate sensibilities - and they claim liberals are PC, ha!

One year later, I am still trying to figure out what part of Beyonce’s Formation was ‘political’ or ‘offensive towards police’ - I’ve rewatched SB 50's haltime over 60 times, still haven’t found it. Fucking conservative snowflakes bitching about whatever perceived slight is the best!!!!

Is that Priyanka? She is so frickin gorgeous even though Quantico sucks ass.

I hit that follow button so quick. I’ll be laughing for 2 terms straight! PAHAHAHAHAHA!

After last year’s Formation meltdown induced by whatever perceived slight Beyonce made towards conservatives along with the player’s anthem-kneeling, football got a whole lot more interesting!

I’ll be watching only for halftime (yasss Gaga!), I haven’t watched an entire SB since 2011 #GoPackGo

RIP Freddie, you shall be missed. You’re way too progressive for our era (2017!!!) anyways.