
“I always get called a racist when I point out to people Old, racist, ignorant white men are morally corrupt.” This is why I was so upset by Trump’s “what have you got to lose?” and John Lewis comments. White men have held public office along with its power for 200+ years and they if they haven’t done diddly squat for

As a notary, I cannot even stamp my fiance’s child custody/support court docs as it would be considered a conflict of interest and the NY Sec of State will revoke my license with the quickness.

As a notary, I cannot even stamp my fiance’s child custody/support court docs as it would be considered a conflict of interest and the NY Sec of State will revoke my license with the quickness.

They learned it from the First Lady of Shade herself.

No, no you have it all wrong. FREEEDOM! is what American-loving conservatives like, only their kind of freedom. Any freedom implied by a liberal is SOCIALISM! and COMMUNISM!

SHADE! Where is the Honorable Judge Brown on this issue?

Seriously, The Root is what Jez should have been a long time ago. So glad to have them on board!

Olivia, that was shady as hell - I see you girl!

Fox News rode her hard, then gave her back wet.

Agreed, she is a center-left Dem and can be easily replaced with another upstate progressive.

This is absolutely fabulous, especially seeing the marches all over the world. Great job ladies!

I would watch the hell out of Moesha and Golden Girls with black women, except with Jennifer Lewis in for T Lawson.

As we enter the Trump admin, I ask for our activists out there on the front lines to please stay safe. He has the support of the police and will try to squash dissent as he sees fit. I truly hope that won’t be the case, but we live in uncertain times now. Definitely not the same feeling we had 8 years ago.

I thought it was pretty tacky for Melania to give a gift in a Tiffany’s box. I thought the White House was not supposed to give the appearance of endorsing a product, kind of like Obama with that Samsung incident? But what do I know, Trump will do whatever he wants and everyone around him will enable it.

“Just hold on Michelle, only a few more hours until Palm Springs.”

Anyone else think that the Trumps may probably be broke? Well, obviously they are in terms of morals. But all of the Trumps’ clothing look off-the-rack with bad fit and wearing goddamn scotch tape on a tie. $300 hair budget for both Marla & Tiff (no high-end hairdresser would accept that). Reams of blank printing

They would be those people watching the Boston Tea Party occur: “But its private property!”

That’s that thing, he admits it isn’t shade but then keeps calling it shade right after. I enjoyed the article but he should have stopped immediately after saying it isn’t shade. The article would still have been enjoyable without mentioning shade at all.

NOOOOOO! No more presidential shade! No more first lady shade! I will miss them so fucking much.

It no longer matters if there is violence or not, the Trump admin will condone eliminating protests all-together through the militarized police force. Already 5 states are putting up bills that will protect drivers that run over protesters blocking roads from criminal charges. And Trump’s inaugural speech wasn’t