
Narcisse is always just on the edge of creepy but I welcome the return of his screen time with Catherine.

Just noticed that both this show and Jane the Virgin had women being threatened with flowers. In both cases it was a false alarm.

Agreed, she "loved" Tara in season 2/3 when she was following in Gemma's foot steps but when she couldn't control Tara and by extension Jax she was quick to turn on her.

Weirdly I like them together and think that the actors have good chemistry but I definitely agree with this. Even a few more short scenes in a couple of episodes could have made this make more sense. It wouldn't have even been that hard since Chibs is the one that has to drop off her money.

Angela Robinson tends to be the writer behind the better episodes.
Things that worked:
Pam's snarky therapy session
Eric and Tara working together to save Pam
Jessica and Tara's friendship
Andy's grief over his daughters
Billith and Warlow
Sarah and Steve Newlin
Lafayette as papa Stackhouse
Pam vs. Eric