The Queen

That must be the only reasonn.

I put one foot on the toilet when I stand and I feel clean. Inversely, I don't feel clean when I sit, unless it is solely #1.

See, that I don't mind, but the ones leaving the pee are the worst. 10000x worse are those who hover and bleed and don't wipe it up.

My dad was a nervous pee'er, no lie. One time, at the urologist's office, he had to actually go home so he could be and then drive back with the urine specimen in the car.

I was going to say - IDGAF where it comes from as long as I can wipe with it

I also want to find the 28% of respondents that hover. No ladies, you cannot accurately piss and hover, especially if you are in heels. Target sells toilet seat covers for $1/10 covers if you are that toilet-phobic.

Who are these men that pull their pants down to piss? There is a reason your pants have a fly!

Exactly - period poos are the goddamn worst. I eat a good diet and pride myself on clean poos, but all bets are off during my period.

His giggle is adorable. I love it - it makes me want to snuggle him so hard!

My friends and I were laughing at a friend's mom's college photos where she had a monster perm and some serious Murphy Brown fashion. The mom quipped, "just wait - your kids are going to be laughing at your stupid black eyeliner and pin-straight hair".

Yeah, wtf is that commercial?

He's a troll, Ladyology. He was going on about feminist conspiracies over on Gawker last night. Don't feed him.

I agree. My friend is currently transitioning, and she loves the light that Laverne Cox has shined on trans issues.

Ahhh! your media won't load for me :/

It was. 2003 was a weird time.

Don't insult the vulva dress. I had a vulva shirt. It was red.

Sorry I'm going with fuck NPH, marry Anderson Cooper, and kill Andy Cohen. Anderson Cooper is intelligent and has that sweet, savory Vanderbilt money.

That's exactly what was thinking.

Exactly. I am so happy to hear that she can breathe again - I shattered my nose in March and being able to breathe once it heals is a huge relief.

My college friend worked for Kidz Bop as the guy that screens the auditions. Oh the stories he has (basically Toddlers & Tiaras + Lolita + 'Jen from Appleton' Video Lady).