The Queen

Yeah his tweets were awful on so many levels - especially when he said that there has to be evidence of a rape for it to be rape and then compares rape to robbery.

She is in Goddamn everything.

Apparently it didn't taste bad. She didn't understand why her mom was making such a fuss.

My friend ate deodorant, not once, but twice after seeing commercials for push-up ice cream bars.

I am laughing so hard I am crying.

Oh God - the laundromat is like prison but you don't get fed.

This is totally OT but I ended up getting evangelized to at the library on Saturday. My eldest was wearing his big brother t-shirt (which I'm considering replacing with an 'ask me about my baby brother' shirt). A guy with a West African accent walked up to us and said, "do you know your big brother? JESUS is your big

I eloped on Labor Day weekend - does that count?

There was a woman on the PTA at my mom's school who was married to a Manhattan attorney - she always had a broken arm and/or black eye. When she finally got the guts to leave him, he was able to earn supervised visitation on weekends. One Sunday evening, he threatened her while returning the kids. She called the

Yeah, you couldn't pay me enough money to work at a middle school.

Thank you all for the hugs, all of you. I was lucky to have an awesome husband who supported me (which I was so adamant during the Dear Prudence story this week) and some really amazing friends that came out of it. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have that. I'm glad to see so many people rallying around this

Yeah, as someone who's POS mother disinherited her for finding out that she's bisexual, I just ugly cried at watching the video.

God that's fucking awful. Experiences like that are why my husband chose to leave law school.

I'm leery too but Jamie (her father) wasn't her original manager. Her mom was and from what I've heard a big reason for her parents' divorce was the fact that her dad wanted her to settle down and finish high school and her mom wanted her to be a mega-star. I'm sure it's also got to be hard because any treatment she

I want to buy this dude a drink. Good for him.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph - when will educators get it through their head that none of the other children would be distracted by long/non-conventional hair? Either kids will a) keep working on what they're doing; or b) get distracted by the clock, the bird outside, the other kids walking down the hallway, etc. Looking

Also, "my son hung around with 12 dudes like all the time. Chances are one of them were gay."

Congratulations on your little one.

I'm so sorry that happened to you. People are the worst.

Honestly, though, that goes well beyond the university system. This leaks into our regular legal system as well. A lot of rape trauma counselors encourage victims not to go forward and prosecute because of what a Hellscape it is. Sadly, I've heard more than my fair share of sexual assault experiences where the victim