The Queen

That is perfect.

Yeah he inherited my sensitive soul, but some days it is just too much. My older child was a screaming-kicking-crying tantrum thrower, but the youngest just implodes in and weeps. He reminds me of an Olympian who trained just SO HARD and was really going to win it, but they stepped off the mat during their freestyle

Sounds like their mom needed to sign them up for JV potty training.

Exactly. My husband's mother has been divorced three times - each one being a variation of nasty. She's still quibbling with husband #2 (who is my father-in-law) a full twenty-five years after their divorce.

Thank you :) He is confused by the whole thing.

Obviously, after last Friday's pissing contest, we all know where I stand on period sex :)

It's the same with dance. I started dancing at four or five and I've watched my first recital. It was a hot mess but at least I was having fun!!

We can already tell he is going to be an emo kid when high school rolls around.

To be fair my kid turned 2 today and he seriously needs some self-confidence. If he spills something, i.e. a water glass, he will start to cry and then lay down in the newly-created puddle as a form of contrition. It's both heartbreaking and a little funny.

One of my clients has a toddler who was in sports and he coached the team. He described it as child-herding that just happens to be on a softball field.

Apparently my grandmother used to scotch tape a bow to my mom's head when she was a baby.

Jeez, my kids couldn't keep a soft hat on as babies - there was no way they'd go for a baby wig.

Don't babies already do beauty pageants, or did Toddlers and Tiaras mislead me?

It happens all the time in these cases - they say having sex instead of rape so you, know, not to ruin the lives of these poor young boys. It doesn't matter that this girl is going through Hell and that saying 'having sex' instead of 'rape' makes it look like regretful sex instead of what it really is.

My dad's boss had adopted his grandson, who is the same age as me. When grandson was fifteen, grandpa found tons of porn on his computer. Dad's boss called my dad up after work hours to freak out. My dad was on speakerphone while he worked on fixing a light fixture and I overheard him saying "don't worry, when I was

It baffles me too. There are very few celebrities that irk me and it surprises me when they can't even list a reason why they hate them.

My oldest starts kindergarten in three weeks. My husband can't handle it - to the point where he was like "well, can we still homeschool?"

I would freak out about my parents being able to get us home. When I was young, I thought there was only one set of directions the human brain could hold, so every ten minutes on the way to our beach rental in Cape May, little Queen would be in the back "but how are we going to get back?"

There was actually a piece in Psychology Today about why people (mainly women) hate Anne Hathaway - and a large part of it has to due with the fact that she openly smiles on the red carpet, unlike the vast majority of female celebrities. We're conditioned to associate large smiles with childhood, so when we encounter

Yeah that's what I don't get. I'm an EA for a mid-size company, and doing crazy stuff, while not normally required, is part of my job description.