
The idiots who voted for Trump will vote for Trump, again.

Someone needs to tell all the white people that haven’t already figured it out yet, that the more you feel you need to exaggerate your lack of racism the more racist you probably are. Saying things like “I’m the least racist person you know” or “I don’t have a racist bone in my body” just displays your lack of self

A person at age 17 is a completely different person at age 27. Adults know this. A 17 year old doesn’t.

...and the call is coming from inside the house

Yes, this seems like a pretty straightforward telling of the Bundy story and his relationship. It’s gross and uncomfortable because that’s who he was and that’s how the story played out.

This article and the comments makes me think of a movie that came out a long time ago called Guinevere, it’s about a younger woman and an older man. It was well done but I remember this speech most of all because it was so well done. It was Guinevere’s mom talking to her daughter’s older boyfriend:

“Even the weirdos and the drunks ignore me now because there’s no mileage in trying to score a cheap laugh by trying to scare a woman over 50" Thank you for articulating what men don’t fucking get - the thrill is putting women in their place. Not “hitting” on them.  

I’ve always been attracted to men of a variety of ages, but though there were 50-something men I found attractive when I was 25, I definitely found men who only liked much younger women creepy as hell. It’s such obviously pathetic insecurity, and it was obvious to 16 year old me, 25 year old me, and 35 year old me.

6) “If he had really wanted to bomb someone/something, would he have done so like this? No, he expected to get caught, he was trying to prove a point, owning the libs, ...”

One bomb on each side?  In soccer, 1-0 is an insurmountable lead.  It never gets to 1-1.

I don’t want to look creepy like this guy.  That’s why my white van is windowless.

Surprised he didn’t just send one bomb to each side and call it a draw.

Before I end a spider’s life, I consider her kills and altitude in my home. I allow a spider to live if the spider web has 5 or more bug carcasses and the spider doesn’t go a foot below the corner of the ceiling. If I see no carcasses but she seems to be moving below the 12" mark - she’s dead. A big web covered in

Ugh, and then her own son had to die in order for her to get to this place? To view Mamie as a grieving mother?!

For many of them, it’s not that they can’t make a sandwich, it’s that they’re so totally convinced that they shouldn’t have to make their own sandwich. The world owes them that sandwich. The sandwich is just theirs, whenever they want it.

I wonder how many of f them were upset when the tea partiers were protesting after Obama took office? Were they a bunch of whiny snowflakes? I’m sure that they thought that those protests were patriotic. I guess the ladies were too peaceful...not enough talk about watering the tree of liberty with blood.

So very, very sad. This is the party of rugged individualism?

I knew I’d been ordering too often from our local pizza place when one day the delivery guy noticed that I’d lost weight.

Mr. OCD and I got wedding gifts from our favourite old pub owners. We didn’t even invite them to our wedding. They just really appreciated how much we had drank over the years.

This is an instance that has a real nice smack of “the punishment fits the crime” to it. Think a famous person isn’t responding to you like she should be? Think that you as a fan have the right to insist things from her or treat her a certain way because she is famous?