
To people saying these jokes aren't high-brow or subtle, I think you're missing the point. Rick Perry isn't high-brow or subtle (though he is a joke). They're mocking his own little caveman peanut-brain and I think it's hilarious. The questions are intentionally disrespectful because this loathsome toad doesn't

Doesn't he harass all the women that work for him? At a certain point, isn't it better to just not work there rather than force them to hire women who are just going to get skeeved on by the head honcho?

I believe the term is "poop chute," not "poop shoot."

The thing for me with those shows is that they almost never spend any time talking about the cake. It's like, if I know you can use cake as a sculpting material then whether you make it into a guitar or the empire state building or whatever...fine but the thing that still matters is the deliciousness of the cake. My

Mostly just wrote this so we'd all have a place to scream together.

Shade Court is the single greatest regular feature of Jez: the Next Generation.

Now playing

For those of you who want more baby otter overload, PBS had a documentary as part of their Nature series called "Saving Otter 501". Like this otter, 501 was rescued by the Monterey Bay Aquarium staff. It is an adorable 1 hour long show about saving this otter, teaching her how to "be" an otter and eventually releasing

Screw that, trade Ted Cruz.

That's just low. He should get his ass disbarred to see how he likes it. Scumbag.

That whole "I'm a comedian" bit of his is the most transparent fucking dodge for when he's called on to actually back up his professed beliefs. Jon Stewart is talented, but he's a goddamn chickenshit at inopportune times.


"Then attacking a guy dressed up as a Fox News reporter with a tennis racket (bad)"

I'm torn because I hate violence but I also hate Fox News.

I think if he would stop being sexist, homophobic, racist asshole every few months then people would be quicker to move on but he keeps showing his ass so nobody believes he's a changed man.

Ho Ho Ho!

I'd make a comment on how funny or not funny this video is, but I'm not sitting through 2 fucking ads that I can't skip over.

this is absurd. If they wanted to be realistic, they'd have the politician responding to the girl's text with a dick pic.

Who is reading this guy's posts where he thinks "Yeah, they'll probably want to hear all of this horseshit but they'll probably be pretty offended if I use bitch. I should probably just hint at it.".