Why are people complaining? It is artisanal, gluten-free, small batch, organic breast milk.
the trailing/stalking is the worst.
It was repealed. However, it's still embarrassing to have it on your record (and still have politicians who voted for it in office) when you try to condemn another country for doing the same wrong.
Why does he need their real names? Can't he just drop to his glory to god knees and pray for Pepper, Cinnamon, Brandy, Crystal, etc.
So, in parts of America, people force women to give birth to children but the same people won't allow said women to feed their babies? OKAY THEN.
How do you pronounce Ukok? Is it "you cock" or "oooh cock"
Stars: they're just like us!
Ah, but his first name is Sieg.
Martha is totally validating Gwyneth. I would've hope age and success brought more security, not less. Second-hand embarrassment for Martha.
Is it me though or does it kind of seem like the new tattoo is saying that the Japanese characters translate to "I'm sorry".
The Southern Poverty Law Center does consider them a hate group.
The moustache doesn't help.
"We sincerely apologize on behalf of McKenna Peterson's feminism. Please accept these complementary pom pom's as our way of saying we look forward to seeing you on the field. They're pink!"
"Don't you just hate it when people are fucking in your castle and you can't do anything about it because you're staying in one of your other castles?"
FYI for ESL people: "randos" is a slang term for "Prince Harry"