
You hit the nail on the head re: why Bernie bothers me. It’s not him per se but his campaign and supporters and the inherent sexism in it. I got so furious when a woman of color I went to law school with posted a meme on facebook criticizing Hillary for “her crime bill.” As if she had either proposed or voted for the

Maybe it’s because Bernie has an even spottier history. He comes from a state that is less than 2% African American and actually voted for all the crime bills that people are attributing to Hillary (because she publicly expressed support for them). I mean if you want to criticize her for her public remarks on these

Hmmm lemme guess white person telling black woman what her own interests are. hypocritical much?

Thanks for clarifying. I am surprised they didn’t have a tolling agreement or something to prevent the court from ruling on the contract before the civil rape suit. Seems like it would make more sense for everyone involved (courts, both parties etc) to resolve that issue first. If she wins her civil case she could

so so true! Like you can’t change the tax code or budget without Congress unless you want to ignore the Constitution. And you can’t amend the Constitution without Congress. So all Bernie’s promises really don’t make a difference unless he plans to circumvent Congress because all that shit requires money and you can’t

Exactly. Like both of their positions on the issue are crystal clear and I don’t see how talking about it differentiates them at all compared to talking about specific economic or security/foreign policy issues and how they’ll pay for them/get them implemented. Women’s reproductive health (which does NOT just include