
I got myself the HTC Radar and it made me put my HTC Sensation away...for good.

But they'll never have Mark Milton and that's why USA will always win! :)

But almost all the information he's provided has been vetted by many other 'non-clown' individuals as accurate and correct.

Warren Buffett dresses like a homeless person. You're saying you wouldn't take financial advice from him?

Why is he a clown? Because last I checked, his personality is not whats of importance here.

They should ALL be investigated.

Off with their heads!


Morton Thiokol?

What has this go to do with me being ignorant?

Recession or not, Corporations in America have made record profits over the past two years. Most of this money has not been reinvested in American workers, while outsourcing of jobs to other countries has increased. To top it all off, many of these corporations are paying ZERO income tax and are still getting monetary

I like how you've suddenly determined that the Anonymous/Team Poison movement is synonymous with any of the 'Occupy' movements without any facts to back up your claim.

"Abortions are simply here to steal our jobs - Maury Povich"

RockNrolling...there are many reasons why a woman might want or even need an abortion. Deciding to have one is tough enough as it is without some idiot telling you what you can and can't do with your body.

So exactly what are we supposed to use our 'trusted assistant' for?

Is a sperm a human? Or is a unfertilized egg a human.

The fact that so many people are taking this ad personally and that some are even somewhat offended by it shows a few things.

LoL. I was thinking exactly the same thing :)

Sheds a tear for the human race.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?