
All Lies!

Occupy Death Star?

These 'Look how smart I am' arguments are frustrating. They are also a waste of time.

Who told you he had nothing to do with the 99%?

Then why have so many of the the major changes for civil justice in modern society been effected after a mass outcry and a rally of people either marching, demonstrating, striking and/or chaining themselves to public buildings?

Wow! Thank you son. You're so incredibly awesome and should be congratulated for your dry wit and natural ability to find just the right videos to express how you really feel.

If you really want to know what they are protesting, I recommend you Google 'the 99%'.


I'm not surprised, but very saddened by the apathetic and 'they had it coming' posts on this thread.


Uh Oh...this is always how 'Final Destination' shit starts.

Perhaps not, but compared to having your entire body exploded by a fragmentation grenade...you gotta admit it's a heck of a miraculous recovery.

I'm sure her kids are just happy mommy is alive and will be coming home to them.

Heck Yeahuhh!

Better hope one of the Lanister twins isn't waiting for you up there!

This isn't anything new. It's just common sense.

By 'Biological Imperative' it means that you don't consciously have to know exactly why you're compelled to do a thing. You just do it.

Rockbottom, you're right and I apologize.

You know more than most, unfortunately.

This always amazes me.