

Ew, they’re procreating?! I’ll say it now, but I hope those two assholes have a reverse Alex P. Keaton situation on their hands once their child grows up. 

Why did covid not take her down???? Nor her husband? Or any other mofo who deserves it? Is this some kind of sick joke, or do we just have to wait a little bit longer for karma to do its thing? Ugh!

I appreciate your penultimate paragraph, Ashley. That these two are Jews is enough to make me run screaming into the void. Their actions are so far from what I understand Judaism to be about.

Why aren’t evil creatures like these dying of COVID while thousands of decent humans are?

100% agree and I love when kids are on - there was one when a two year old girl jumped up behind her dad and started brushing his head with a baby brush - he just sat there and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. And for the company - if it is the type of call you don’t want back ground noise, do it the webinar

after ww2 there was a de-nazification program. after november what’s the plan with these vile people?

The more I think about it the more convinced I am that she went to the border as some kind of racist tourist, looking forward to seeing the misery her fiance created, and concocted this thin veneer of a reason.

I know, but Jezebel and the Root still post stuff about athletes when relevant. I've been figuring they aren't comfortable going antisemitism when it's coming from a black man, especially at this time. I'm not interested in bashing DeSean, but this isn't a rare attitude and I'm interested in articles/discussions

All I can think of is some PR person trying to get any kind of semi-positive press. Probably out of a job now.

This has got to be a QAnon thing, and searching for logic or evidence in any of that is a fool’s errand. 

Even as someone who at one point was going to be a nun, I fully believe that churches should only be able to claim tax-free status on the portion of their ‘business’ that is charitable. Aka, you have a food bank and offer free counseling? That portion runs tax-free. You charge $1000 for weddings at the alter? You’d

Sorry to not engage in the topic, but are there really not gonna be any posts about DeSean Jackson? Can someone at least point me in the direction of quality articles regarding the relationship between the Jewish and Black communities? I've seen a lot of black people post the same stuff he did so he isn't exactly some

I can envision a lot of ugly things this opens the door to. Couldn’t a “closely held” company owned by a Christian Scientist claim that they shouldn’t have to provide any healthcare at all? Or in a similar situation, Scientologists could refuse to provide any and all mental health coverage other than Thetan screenings?

against free and comprehensive access to birth control under the Affordable Care Act, a long-term project of the Religious Right

I was legit surprised the writer didn’t include the vote breakdown given they included how Biden helped carve that exception out in the first place

Again, people don’t quit jobs — they quit bosses. And we’re rapidly determining which companies are trying to do the right thing, and which are just... fucking terrible.

You know what’s weird? When this all came out, you didn’t see a Thin Chalk Line of teachers standing behind her. I wonder if that’s because you can belong to a union and support your fellow union members and still be horrified when someone within your ranks commits a crime. So weird. 

Yeah, “boy she raped” is clearly skirting the issue.