Wealth Oklahomans are not the people that attend these rallies. They attend $5K+ plate dinners.
Wealth Oklahomans are not the people that attend these rallies. They attend $5K+ plate dinners.
Shouldn’t we be happy that Amy is publicly promoting a black woman as a VP instead of pushing some cat fight with Warren narrative? IMO she was never really in the running, she was just filler. She could have just kept her mouth shut and gone quietly back to Minnesota, but she used her platform to elevate a black…
Not only did she step aside (b/c she had no chance), but she said the VP pick should be a black woman. Isn’t that what Jezebel has been screaming about with lift up black women?
Warren is a terrible pick. We need to look to the future and all the judicial nominees we could have if Biden picks someone who can take his second term and then have her own term. Warren is too old.
I don’t see a problem. Besides, Election Day isn’t every year.
Nooo don’t combine Veterans day with Election day. We need to ADD holidays, not remove or combine. It’s ok to have 2 holidays in one month, look at January.
You have a point. Even if Biden wins the debate Trump supports will crow about how Trump won. It’s kind of lose/lose.
So much rage in those responses to pretty tame comments.
Gabrielle Union is a beautiful woman inside and out. I love that she is so open to learning while supporting Zaya.
I was lucky in my 10 year stint in retail that my companies paid holiday pay. Still sucked that we had to work. We were also lucky because we got both Christmas and Thanksgiving off. This was before stores decided that Thanksgiving Day sales were a good idea.
Nooooo! We keep the current holidays and add Juneteenth. There is no need to remove a holiday.
Noooooo! Let’s rename Columbus day and honor somethings else AND add Juneteenth. No need to take holidays away.
A federal holiday does not guarantee you time off. Most retail businesses do not give their employees time off for federal holidays, they just pay them more on those days.
I agree but the thing about paid national holidays is they do not guarantee you time off. Retail businesses don’t close for most federal holidays, usually only Christmas and maybe Thanksgiving. They just pay their employees more to work.
There’s a big difference in importance in freedom to start your own country and freedom from actually being OWNED by other humans.
It doesn’t have a federal holiday.
I’m sure they do let them take those days off. The problem is, that taking those days off can use up all your vacation time. The religion I was raised in has 9 holy days that we are supposed to take off from work. If I did that I would only have 6 days for vacation and sick time. I don’t think holy days should…
In Louisiana we got Lundi Gras, Mardi Gras, and the Wednesday after off from school and many businesses gave employees the days off. It was the berries.
Seconded about each month having a federal holiday (without taking away any current holidays, but maybe renaming a few) and honoring minority history. Let’s get some holidays for women and more for POC. There are plenty of dates and people to honor.
No, the republicans will scream that Biden refused to debate Trump b/c he is senile and/or can’t handle the superior debating skills of Trump. People will lap it up. Besides, Biden is a good debater. He knows how to laugh at just the right moment. He totally owned Paul Ryan.