Someone go slap E.L. James please and thanks.
Someone go slap E.L. James please and thanks.
Damn it Taylor. I was all impressed with your sincere apology to Nicki and now you’re PETTING BLACK PEOPLE?! And JOKING ABOUT IT?!? (Granted it sounds like the petting was before the Nicki thing but still.) Don’t fucking pet people. WTF is wrong with you?!
I teach 9th grade and I’m seriously considering using this in my classroom. Even 15-year-olds need time-outs.
I was just going to post this. So sad. And just goes to show how wrong it is to think of real people as their characters in a movie. Heroin addict is not at all how I pictured Chrissy’s life to go!
Thora Birch and Gaby Hoffman seem to have fulfilled my expectation of their characters’ futures.
I was so SO in love with Devon Sawa, when I was a kid. Especially during Casper and Little Giants.
It does if its a last final threat rarely employed. It isn’t going to if its a go-to. Especially especially if your go- to is a hard smack, coz then every missbehavior elicits the same response and why even bother behaving? Fear of a thing works better than the thing itself.
They do. And grown men shouldn’t be treated like they can’t have emotions and weaknesses and needs, either. And women and girls also shouldn’t be tasked with bearing the burden of doing all the emotional labor of taking care of men and maintaing relationships (and childcare, and housework, and they shouldn’t be…
but but, there are plenty of maladjusted adults who will come to the defense of spanking! of course THEY turned out just fine!!
I used the ticket system on my kids (first offense: 15 minute time out, second one: 30 minutes, third once in the same day: THE ENTIRE REST OF THE DAY IN YOUR ROOM I DON’T CARE IF IT’S 10:00 AM) which worked like a charm. (For obvious reasons, having two tickets in one day leads to strongly improved performance.)
Honestly, I read that as being your girl will be independent with a family of her own, but your son will never be able to do shit for himself. GRANTED that isn’t what the person who wrote it probably meant. They probably meant, some day your daughter is gonna have sex and then she ain’t your sweet girl any more. She…
I read the worst thing on Facebook the other day and I just really need to share, “This quote my client said to me always makes me tear up: ‘your daughter grows up and becomes a wife but, your son is your son for life.’” I FOREVER NOW MUST TYPE IN ANGER CAPS BECAUSE WHAT IS THIS? WHY? HOW CAN YOU EV? I JUST!!!!!!!!!!!!
all they need to say is ‘stop being such a little shit’ or something like that (as long as the kid can’t read)
Ew I hate these more than anything. What are the moms gonna do when their little girl throws a fit and breaks the chair
I would, for once, love to see some focus on the opposite end of the eating disorder spectrum (because it’s not all anorexia & bulemia) and the bravery of dealing with those mental health issues (which can often be related to childhood sexual abuse), but instead we still shame fat people, and place blame for obesity…
I’m a recovered bulimic and I find her so awesome and helpful because we’ve both been through the same horrendous eating disorder I guess, and it’s great to know there’s life and sex, which she specifically talks about, after an ED. Bulimia robbed me of my sex life because I hated my body so god damn much and I have…
She sings. Notably, she sang the pop version of “Let It Go” on the Frozen soundtrack. Forgive me, I work with kids.