
Honestly, in that particular situation I wouldn't have any sympathy for my BIL. The child, yes. But not the BIL.

Accessories? How so? Super curious bc one of my student’s parents is sort of like this

Yaaaaaass Vincent D’Onofrio is the best!!

I think it's chung chung? Or maybe doink doink. Idk, I always say one of the two

Hahaha she probably thought she could make her own vaccine. “Here on crunchynaturalmama.com, I’ll teach you how to make your own safe, all-natural, non-GMO, gluten-free vaccine!”

That’s awful! Poor kid. How can anybody do that to a child, let alone themselves?? I understand that it is an addiction, but still...

That is downright horrifying (the thing about the entire population being raised with that mindset, not your grandma. I’m sure she was a sweet woman). I just.. I can’t imagine not being educated past 6th grade. It’s insane to me! There is so much you learn when you are a pre-teen/teenager that is crucial to shaping

Ohh, your poor puppy! I’m so sorry she/he is having that problem! :( If it's any consolation, our stink bug population has multipled here. They are all over my classroom, and the kids (being typical 5 year olds) freak out.

That retched rock n roll! What a terrible stain on our society! It is a sin, I tell you, a sin! Those men with their long wild hair, tight pants, loud guitars...I need a minute

One would hope

Ooh, yeah! And also the ridiculous amount of camo (even pink camo!) that is here (I’m from outside Harrisburg and went to college in Lancaster. Yeahh, it was essentially conservative central with a few sensible people here and there).

That... is the most accurate description of Pennsylvania I have ever heard. All the stars for you, sir/madam!