
Yeah, uh that’s not what I was saying. I was questioning if this is actually “commonplace” as the administrators at this place said. And I was asking that because I have gotten completely different information from my friend in regards to how this testing out stuff works.

Dig the “Dirty Diana” reference though

I’m just gonna go ahead and say that “my little hole-a” sounds WAAAAAY more dirty than “my areola.”

For heaven’s sakes, give it a rest.

Somehow, I’m ok with Admiral Adama being a little crusty.

Pretty sure you’re supposed to recuse yourself from cases you’re directly involved in. I’m really disappointed in you right now. The justice system is such a joke.

I’ll just leave this here

I really hope this chicken isn’t going to be eaten. I know it’s only emotions because this chicken is so much better off than other food chickens, BUT THAT HUG. God that hug.

Anyone with any knowledge of animal behaviour can see that many of those cats are distressed by the positions their owners have put them in - not so much the ones batting balloons but the ones wearing hats, or the ones who have been placed in high chairs/whatever. Pets tolerate these things because they are unsure of


The idea of simply existing as being an act of activism made me stop dead in my tracks and realize my privilege. You’ve given me something important to chew on. Thank you. I’m glad you commented.

perhaps I am a humorless jerk who finds no jokes about physique funny ever, but I just get depressed by all of this. Yes, the way in which culture expects women to look and be is disgusting and sad. But, and this is equally important to me as a fat guy, there are just as many negative connotations for being a fat

I'm pretty sure there are some writers who still worship at the altars of SCTV and Kids in the Hall, so maybe?

The shocking news would be if she did finish her community service hours.

I'm going to start drawing my lips from my forehead to my nipples and no one can stop me.

Oh... Ok. I... Didn't know it turned on. I need to rethink this.

Can we also take a minute and appreciate the fact that Mossberg was 5 feet, 2 inches tall, weighed 118 pounds, and was 50 years old and STILL tried to intervene in what he thought was a mugging? Though he be little, he be fierce.

This woman didn’t do this because she doesn’t believe in the movement or the protest, she did it out of fear for the safety of her kid. She is not a hero mom, just a scared one. All the parents are scared - almost every black kid has had that experience. The one where you are scolded by your parents because you chose

At this point I don't even care about using qualifiers. White people have a mental block when it comes to historical context. Look at that Gawker post about the CNN reporter with the audacity to chastise a black man for saying nigger, not because of the history of the word, but because white people can't say it. I

This little fucker hasn't yet managed to operate machinery, but just give him time. He's already figured out the "child-proof" cabinets, the first of my cats ever to do so. (I don't have children, it's always been to protect against the cats).