‘Healthy Texas Woman’ sounds like a country song about a chick who likes to eat barbecue.
‘Healthy Texas Woman’ sounds like a country song about a chick who likes to eat barbecue.
Leave it so someone named Finger to bury the lede about her giant hand!
I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.
Watched until 1:38 and I want to light all of them on fire.
I’ve been watching the videos on YouTube...they’re kind of mesmerizing and they’re all getting roasted for going in the first place.
This never gets old.
I Wanted this Car SOOO Bad when I was 14!
That is indeed the answer. I always wonder about this shit too, and I honestly think people who make less than $100k and do things like spend $5k on a weekend festival are a) not saving any of their money for anything and/or b) living on credit cards. And maybe not paying rent.
Well, there’s also this difference: Patients Cared For By Female Doctors Fare Better Than Those Treated By Men
Anyone else like that Angela is wearing pants and what look like practical shoes?
Based on your comment history, you clearly hate Jezebel and find it beneath you. I’m gonna give you some advice: You don’t have to read it! It’s really that simple. Secondly, you have a hard time with the meaning of words, such as “misogyny,” “satire” and “jokes.”
My favorite antique shop find:
Me, defiantly:
And she’s diverse! But not too diverse, if you get me.
The fact that Pence is so adamant about the rules makes me think that it’s a mix of paternalism and him having cheated at some point.
The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, the new film by Martin McDonagh (writer and director of the wonderful…
It’s definitely not fear of Mary Berry, it’s like... if there was a cooking show and Julia Childs was judging. You could never be afraid of any negative reaction from her, but you could be deathly afraid of letting her down and disappointing her.