
Dont forget to use annualcreditreport.com for a free credit report from all three bureaus. Its the officialone the government forced the bureaus to provide starting several years ago. Although it wont give you a score, it will show you everything a lender will see. If you can get that cleaned up, it will improve

I am fortunate enough to be able to walk 1.5 miles each way to work. Some people can’t. I am fortunate enough to take however long I want at lunch to eat, then walk for a little while. Many people can’t. There are still shitty jobs out there for grown ass people that give 30 minute lunch breaks. How are those

I am going to mutter “spot fucking on” over and over to myself as a calming mantra as I climb the ladder to clean out the gutters (that he knows are full, that I have asked him to clean for two weeks). If I don’t, the basement will flood and for sure I can’t get shitty and yell at him for not cleaning the gutters, so

I will quietly voice my support. While I agree cars need to be safe, I know there will be no half measure like you speak of. Here in MA, I’ve watched inspections grow from simple safety, through emissions and dyno tests up to California emissions. Once the local muckety mucks get a taste of the sweet expired sticker

Literally laughed outloud at finding hell at mile 24, because that is the truest thing ever said.

+1000 for the great reference! My daughter just read this story in English class last trimester, then I introduced her to the cartoon on Amazon Prime. She loved it!

The only Tavi I know.

When the Queen dies, it means he-who-shall-not-be-named is one step closer to the throne. God help us all.

As someone who lives in the U.K. It’s hard to underestimate how much of a shock to the nation the death of the Queen will be. She’s been queen since 1952 and the majority of people in the U.K. Have never known a time without her on the throne. At a time when Brexit looks like it could split up the UK with Scotland

Oh no, they’ll know I went to Hot Topic! The horror!

That’s what I was thinking too; don’t discard it, but donate it to a museum. It won’t mean half-mil in the bank, but it would certainly be a good tax deduction I suspect. It could thereby be preserved and used to teach future generations.

There are people who argue that now.

Nobody is going to forget anything, but as long as stuff like this is around, asswads like JJ are going to glorify it by buying and selling it at high prices.

Payable in gold bars from a particular historical era.

Gary Steiner is cisgendered.

I used to love Jet, but stopped using them shortly after the acquisition was announced. This is why we can’t have nice things, people.

I always ask jokingly but seriously “upgrade for free?” when they say that and go from there.

It should piss you off though, because those people that “Find” those loopholes are the people in power/lobbying the power putting them in there. Trump has already stated he wants to get rid of the tax minimums, and not replace it with anything, which would mean less federal money to pay for his big budget increases

Considering the number of socially awkward things that I imagine you must get yourself into given who you are based on what I read of you, I think that’s really saying something.