
I don’t know why you’re surprised that people would hate paying money for invisible yet essential purposes. That’s the American way of anti-socialism, after all.

If you are an emotional stress eater it’s likely you won’t be approved for it. I had mine done fourteen years ago and I had to go to a dietitian and nutritionist and talk about what kinds of foods I ate, portions, prove that I’ve tried to lose weight a healthy way and it didn’t work etc. I also had to go to two

How do they test this? Shove ‘em in a BMW and see if they use their turn signals for 5 consistent miles?

It kinda makes me sad to say this but I think if Casey Anthony could go back in time and change things .... she wouldn’t.

Even IF you believe that she was not responsible for her daughter’s death (and that’s a big if), she failed to report her daughter missing for an extended period of time and then proceeded to drag that innocent Latino woman through the mud by claiming she was the babysitter and that she had Caylee, etc. Even presuming

Chaffetz talks about low-income Americans like they are bratty 10-year-old suburban teens addicted to playing Candy Crush, which I guess explains a lot about why this plan is so bad for them.

I have the day “off” because I only work full-time May through October as a nature guide, though I develop and practice programs and talks for this org all year round for no pay. I plan to go out with my husband, wear red and offer coffee to women striking if there are any (shout out to Pioneer Valley MA)? I tried for

We also found some cans of film labeled “Greed,” “The Magnificent Ambersons” and “Convention City.” But maaaaaan, those candy wrappers!”

It’s honestly better here. I’m with you on the A7, the sloping character lines and rea deck make it look like the trailing edge of the spoiler is actually lower than the hood (which it isn’t). I don’t think the VW suffers from that (as much).

I think Emma decided not to participate, because she didn’t want to have to grieve for her friend on-screen.

Now I’m sad, Aimée. I really don’t want to know any ‘closure’ to this fab coupling :(

My face when I saw it for the first time....Sorry it had to be Tom Cruise

Some girls can do the job better. That’s a threat certain men can’t handle and use tactics like these to gain social heiarchy.

I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out

It’s actually kinda like this.

2017 is exhausting.

Any badge in the wrong car for that matter, like this “Maserati Accord”

Florida Man destroys country while sipping wine at Mar A Lago.