Queen Bee AZ

I keep shouting it. No one seems to hear. MOVE YOUR MONEY!

I don’t get it either. They have proven themselves time and time again to be both criminal and incompetent. It is not as if there are not dozens of other banks nearby.

Oh that would call for the #WhiteAllyBackup app. Come on down and pull the “I used to babysit you, Howard” card to aid a sister and/or a brother caught up.

Me too. I said “safest” not “best”.

I’m sure glad that MLK and dem didn’t wait around for the kindly old White attorney to show up.

As righteous as a #BlackBackup app would be, the only thing that terrifies White people more than a Black person is several Black people, so lots of folks likely to get shot in that situation.

I honestly cannot believe anyone still uses them for consumer banking, their myriad scandals should’ve shattered the spine of that detestable corporation by now, and I really don’t understand why they’re not in the same bin as Enron or Theranos at this point. It maybe takes an hour or two to set up an account at a

I love that all of these recent stories are helping to shatter the perception that it’s just poor, uneducated White people who are upholding White supremacy and structural racism. These are middle class and rich college educated racists who are out here attacking Black people, not a bunch of backwoods yokels.

There are three major candidates in the race for the next governor of Michigan. Abdul El-Sayed, a leftist candidate in the mold of Bernie Sanders; Gretchen Whitmer, an establishment candidate who happily holds fundraisers with health insurance companies; and Shri Thanedar, a completely fake progressive who claims

I agree. It’s my dad’s fault. But I also think it’s important I got yelled at for picking up a gun. He put that fear in me. It’s like you know untrained dogs pee where ever they want. So if you leave the dog home alone and it pees on your carpet, it’s your fault. But if you don’t train that dog or yell at it or

Im not exactly commenting regarding the story in the article. Just using this story as a segue into my own personal story aboutthe need to keep guns safe

Sorry, but I dont see it as an accident. He decidedto go get the gun and he shot his sister in the back ofthe head! That IS NOT an accidental shooting!

My brother and I are POC gun owners and one of many things we’ve been harping about forever is mandated safe purchases with firearms. I know the NRA and its zombie nation are shart-spooked about having their guns taken away, but how about introducing legislation to force owners to buy something extra. The gun industry

I got a story to tell (cue biggie song)...

Oh, I was actually being sarcastic about that. I have no doubt he is treated very differently.

Valid point. Mayfield may not have been the best example because he has put his shit out on Front St. for a while. However, he’s still White, and therefore automatically viewed differently regardless.

Being from the city my friends and I would always hangout “outside” but never ventured too far into “White people territory”. Later I have come to love fishing, hiking, running etc. But I do still realize the “Adventure Gap” for many minorities. This gap has become less societal where going too far into unfamiliar

Woo hoo! So glad you had that experience and hopefully some #blackboyjoy of your own!

What does a racist Smokey The Bear and wildfire poster even look like?

The owner can’t even understand why it is offensive. And why it’s all on how you display it.