
I have the bestest amount of sympathy for what’s his name and the wife I sent a raven to. This is difficult for me!

I need more Kinja stars to buy mercenaries.

He made the Wildfire that helped me kill all those bad dudes that helped the Fake King Stannis.

Haunted Lighthouse: Miami

Pull Courtney Cox out of the audience to dance with you!

What’s “undead weed?”

Ten four good buddy! Wait, that’s not my line. I’m picking up CB signals on this thing! Convoy!

“With most nukes, U.S. can be bester than Rocket Man or Ghyna! Good!”

Ordering a direwolf killed because it attacked my son doesn’t make me the villain! You’re the villain!

That hat watched it’s parents get murdered in an alley.

I thought he was in Phoebe Cates’ chimney.

There’s so much water. It’s really hard.

“Until They Bury Me In The Ground” is the title of his next action movie.

But she’s dead!

“Mom, SpongeBob just told Squidward to go fuck himself!”

I’m sick of this fucking characters on this motherfucking farm!

Killing my enemies with wildfire is still okay, right Neil Degrasse Tyson? It’s fast, they don’t feel a thing, according to my physics.

Tonight, Kevin James is accidentally embalmed!

What a story!

How much do you have to pay him to go away?