Isn’t the entire point of NFL cheerleaders to be ogled at by fans? What else is their purpose? What other tangible benefit is there for having women in swimsuits on a football sideline?
Isn’t the entire point of NFL cheerleaders to be ogled at by fans? What else is their purpose? What other tangible benefit is there for having women in swimsuits on a football sideline?
So it would be OK if someone didn’t like your political views and committed violence against you?
Lol. You pussies haven't followed through at all since 2016. We're ready, but that day will never come.
So, this afternoon or tomorrow is when you get arrested for assault and battery?
Gosh, you are so brave sitting there typing that out. I am truly impressed and not at all laughing at yet another keyboard warrior who will do absolutely nothing they have just typed that they would.
How in the hell is the statement, we shouldn’t allow a bunch of people who hate America move to America racist? Not one shred of evidence of racism is offered. And objectively he is right, letting people who hate America live in America is a bad idea and enough of them would lead to the end of America.
As one of the radicalized ones, you’re wrong, and buying into the large-scale strawman that the far-progressive-movement dogma. If you really want the truth: They’re being “Radicalized” that in order to create the idealized world of social and racial harmony, they’re being specifically systemically discriminated…
Simply amazing that an HIV+ trans petri dish of a person can exploit our asylum laws, sneak into the country, and expect for the American tax payer to treat their diseases. Just simply amazing.
You’re probably better off getting one degree that’s actually worth a shit before you focus on multiples.
Lol. My dude, I’ve got a JD from The U. But if it makes you feel better to fabricate enemies (again), I’ll indulge you (again) because I’m just that good of a person.
So instead of making up fake republicans, you’re making up fake liberals? Weird.
A teacher of rhetorical composition would understand how foolish they look when they’re unable to stick to the topic.
I took debate class too, dude. Very impressive.
Three straw men in a row!
I don’t know what is more ridiculous: the idea that kindergartners are “working their asses off” or that “the world needs sociology majors”
This article sounds like it was written by a 5th grader with a potty mouth “my dude.” I’m not sure which is worse, the poor writing skills or the utter stupidity on display here. HINT: The price of a pizza is non negotiable. The price of a rental property is ALWAYS negotiable. HINT 2: The campaign manager approached…
Looking forward to the gawker article about how hillarious it is when someone throws a milkshake in Ilhan Omar’s face. Oh wait, you’ll treat that like a hate crime and a sign of the deep seated racism that only the fierce moral urgency of pushing Israel into the sea will resolve.
Given that the Arab neighbors of Israel have been attempting to destroy it since its creation, Netanyahu’s agenda seems reasonable.
Sophie this is a weird take. I’m a Canadian Jew and the reality is the Palestinians resisted the creation of Israel every step of the way so i’m not sure what point Rashida is trying to make but it comes across as..... weird.