What will you impeach him for?
What will you impeach him for?
How do you know he wasnt just tweeting about Ilhan Omar?
Probably should, just to get this political correctness farce over with. Dont give a fuck about your feelings.
No because at no point did President ever call for a white enthnostate, insyead he told a bunch of people to get their fucking shit together. I can see how this confuses you though because you associate whiteness with competence and non-whiteness with incompetence.
Ilhan Omar doesnt even have to go to Somalia to fix that failed state. Let her start with the failed state that is her district which is #1 in US for terrorism recruitment, due to radicalized Somalis and Islamic terrorism.
Ilhan Omar’s own district is a terrorist shithole too, so lets not pretend like this is only about the Somalian state.
Now watch everyone here call her racist just to contradict Trump.
Once you realize that “people of color” is just yet another identity politics group manufactured by the Left to attack whites, all of this becomes much clearer.
Illegals turning around and already suing US for $100 million for stupid shit they started themselves.
Journalist asking questions amd trying to corroborate info = “hard right”?
Wich one of those is supposed to be “”hard right”?
27 years to go from refugee to pushing anti-American agenda in Congress, thats not assimilation - thats the exact opposite of it
How many African Americans are itching to go back to Africa?
If only Native Americans had an actual country instead of being just a bunch of primitive tribes that slaughtered each other before the European colonization
Yeaah when they assimilate, which isnt happening as much with the current crop
Youre dumb and naive
Tim Pool is not right wing, hes a liberal and he has always been. His “hard right turn” that never happened was him questioning some of the nonsense that the Left has attempted to turn into gospel like “Russia collusion” and “open borders”. Pool is an actual journalist who goes where the facts lead him, instead of…
Pelosi said in her letter on Monday that the Trump administration was trying to “make America white again,” with the addition of the question, which might scare immigrants into not participating.
Sounds pretty racist for Pelosi. Is she saying that only POC are undocumented?