Queef Latinah

I don’t laud either, either, but the answer to your question is that the human mind is capable of seeing things in *degrees*.

I think it’s the sheer volume of crimes he committed over such a long period of time that separates Cosby from those other powerful abusers from the entertainment world, though it’s possible race plays a factor as well. At any rate, Warner kind of sounds like he’s speaking from a place of spite rather than concern

Because I like Bethany I'm hoping it is an exaggeration and the surgery is for melanoma

She is probably the neediest person I’ve ever seen. And I’m not saying that in a critical way. Her parents were complete fucking assholes and her childhood was hellacious. There’s no way she could come out of it not needy.

Oooh, I dunno. I would not put it past them to exaggerate this situation. “Surgery” could mean having a wisdom tooth removed. And quite frankly, if you are a single parent with no blood family members that you can rely on, you should have a living will.

It’s sad that Bethanny is sick. I hope she gets better. But she is soooooo annoying and so desperate for attention that I just want to punch her in the face.


No Fresh Choice on here. Fuck you.

Thanks : ). It’s weird when you’re told you have a Black ass even by Black folks. I kinda just wanna say “no, I nust have a Bawitabah ass, thanks.” My culture actually is fairly curvy - people tend to think *wasp* when they think *white.* I don’t want to feel trashy, but I do, where I feel the same features are

I’m a thin white girl with full lips and a big bottom and this whole cultural moment - including ragging on the kardashians, who *bought* their Black features and are called trashy for it- is making me feel like I’m ripping off black culture just by existing. I honesty feel awkward as hell as a white woman (not the

Likewise. I largely stay for the community, the articles are getting very tiring.

Kanye: Calls Swift a bitch, implies he was responsible for making her famous, implies that he’s owed sex by her

I’m not even gonna bite, because this is just the thing they do where they pit Taylor against some other celebrity for clicks and then pretend it’s for feminism.

Why exactly is Taylor insufferable here? She threw well-deserved shade at an utter asshole who more than once now has inserted himself unnecessarily into her life and her success. In her position I think I might burst into flames from the anger. She took the high road.

Cause he’s yuuuuuge? Sorry, wrong swelled head.

Here’s what I want to know: why do female artists such as Swift feel the need to put out a misogynistic fire they didn’t start, and only provoked because they committed the unpardonable crime of being women? I’m not a fan of Taylor, but time and again she’s taken the high road on this shit, starting when she should

What if he posed it as a “If we were the last two people in the world” question?

Something something white privilege?

I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.

“Both of these artists remain insufferable.”