
WOW that $39k Golf R sure is impressive. Its almost as fast as the 2009 WRX for $13k more. That is impressive! Oh wait you also had to use an automatic transmission to do the launching for you instead of a manual transmission?

My feelings:

I'm not even a Star Trek fan and his death is like a punch to the gut. He was one of those people who just seemed immortal. I guess, in a way, he kind of is.

I don't condone street racing but calling the drivers pieces of shit for killing spectators is pretty dumb too.

If it's so well known then why don't they put a stop to this shit? These people are scum and they just don't do anything about it?

How hard is it to go to a drag strip and do all your drag races there? This isn't Fast and the Furious, grow up.

I'm sorry to inform you you are totally wrong. It is by all accounts quite reliable.

Check engine light

That is exactly what I thought.

Toys – 10/10

The Kitchen/The Orgy is my audio-Happy Place.

Some people like the second one better because of the camp value. Myself and many others adore the first one because it treats the subject matter seriously and tries to make a genuine fantasy movie.

Now playing

It's glorious. I am right at the transition into Riders of Doom.

You are aware there are a number of invisible disabilities, like heart conditions or lung problems? Some people are able to look young and fit, but only if they are able to use disabled bays in order to avoid collapsing horribly followed by dying? Unless you are privy to their medical records, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I was hoping to find you in here, I always like seeing you speak on your difficulties with the parking situation with the van. I think it carries more weight, in that it actually happens to real people, and it's not just "Hey don't park there."

I've started calling the cops if I see people there for more than a few

It was never run by a bigot, but the person you are referring to stepped down.

chrome uses like 1 gb of RAM, firefox uses 200 MB on the same machine same tabs and all... Firefox all the way for me.

Same here. Hope you're ok.

I'm going through a breakup right now, actually, so this is surprisingly relevant. Good information, though... thanks!