

Everything you've written makes perfect sense emotionally and logically. It says a lot about this site you're on the lower end of the comment star ratio, and worse yet, how just your detractors justify rape in this case yet lambast it on other stories.

Lol. Hack writer.

Puppy bowl > Katy perry.

Excellent comment. Very insightful–thanks for posting it!

I love you.

Haha genius!

That's elaborate.

Lovin' that back end!


Fuck Hyundai

I like you.

Mmmm. Anchor.

How is liking a concept "irrelevant?"

I agree many hopes!

No way, this thing is beautiful.

When did they stop?!

Man. Is every car out of South Korea a knockoff?!

I read within three *countries* at first. I think the misreads holds.

Shut up, faggot!