
Seriously listen to yourself. You're gonna throw a shitfit/start a physical altercation cuz someone looked at you wrong? Who the hell wants to be around that?

No one is forcing you to do anything. Stop being a dramatic bitch.

What has Alfa to do with Jeep?? American Jeep is still made as it was before.

I worked at a Jeep dealer for quite some time, and there was more than one 4 cylinder Jeep needed a new engine. The 2.4 in the Cherokee is a turd.

How come Jalopnik never mentions the widespread piston failure that Subaru WRX and STI owners have been experiencing for years?

It's not rare at all. We're already finding many of these at the dealer auctions.

From what it sounds like, they took decent care of them and actually explained in detail what had gone wrong in the engine.

Yep, definitely a fluke.

Is anyone surprised by this? Jeeps aren't exactly known for their outstanding quality.

That's not what you want and you know it. You want apps. and apps about apps, and interconnection and new ways to be productive while your wasting your time and energies driving.

This is retarded. You can do all this on your phone and use the car system as a monitor/touch screen. To allow you to use such software on a major OEM head unit that was a discrete system instead of a ts monitor would be to invite lots of clustefu**s when the buggy initial versions of CM came out and your dumbass

Nope , not what I am asking for. I want pure android. no special crap, no lockouts. let me install whatever apps I want and give it an ODB-II interface built in so I can pull codes and read all the sensors.

FINALLY!! I can play Candy Crush while I'm driving!!!

In the great tradition of every Texas rallycross ever...

Exactly! The Vikings also used the same threat to have MN fund a new stadium .

I wonder if it's more profitable to move to L.A. or threaten to move to L.A. so owners and cities bend taxpayers over to pay for new facilities.

Hey Audi, why don't you go fuck yourself! Choke on a fat dick for all the grief you gave me with that unreliable shitbox you call a 2011 S4!