
What?! It was terrible!

Ha! I was looking for that

This list is gay

That was my second car. It drank a lot of oil, loved to understeer then died in a huff of white smoke.

Germs, Polish or otherwise, are yuck!

Jesus Christ is yuck!

Crybabies are yuck!

WRX head gaskets are yuck!

Jeep reliability is yuck!

Thetans are yuck!

Zero Sum Karma is yuck!

Posts about and sponsored by Hyundai are yuck!

More like Brigham Yuck!

No manual is yuck!

Hey look! A square Infiniti!

Was that an ad and phone number on the back of that Yaris?

Terreria is a fun game.

White guilt is dumb, knock it off!

If you simply copy every innovating brand out there then you can make a decent, mediocre product. The trade off is that you'll never innovate, yourself, and your products will all lack soul and purpose. Stay out of big boy racing.

Fuck Bruno Mars.