
About the voting and a lapse in engagement since the women’s March, I see it happening. For instance, I got through to Pat Toomey’s office last week no problem, and to Charlie Dent this week, even though his local office numbers should be completely clogged with callers pushing him about Trumpcare. I also went to a

I think a lot of these people who criticized the strike demonstrated how US-centric their perspectives are. There’s this assumption that the people who came up with it were all middle- and upper-class women, largely white. But as as Jezebel’s great post on Latin American feminism mentioned, the idea for the

What the author of that email and so many others have curiously forgotten—or, more likely, never knew in the first place—is that often, resistance movements require that type of discomfort and sacrifice.

how often do you tweet about this, jeff?

“So you are on the hook for babysitting too huh?”

The only person in the universe who I don’t judge for tweeting this way is Cher. Every one of her tweets is a giant fantastic emoji-laden Rebus puzzle and I am here for it.

Excuse me, Emojis, numbers as words, and wearing your sheer jacket weirdly on your arms are the epitome of class. You would know that if you had any. ::sweeps away to tweet for Trump::

“Just like we showed up on November 9th.”

What a bummer for that dude who has to watch his kids. This is on par with parents who say they are “babysitting”.

The most ironic part is women I know are never off. They run our worlds, save our parents, kids and every other relationship that counts.

Dogs. It’s not only the getting-up-early thing but having a living, breathing being that relies on you 100% and will love you NO MATTER WHAT. Dogs, fuck yeah!

Thanks for the support guys, ya’ll are awesome! I’m still trying to figure out how to start the process, but every day I feel more and more motivated to make a change for the better

Agreed thank you!

this is weird

Eww, you married a poor guy? Gross. /s

I really hate that weaselly motherfucker.

I have the day “off” because I only work full-time May through October as a nature guide, though I develop and practice programs and talks for this org all year round for no pay. I plan to go out with my husband, wear red and offer coffee to women striking if there are any (shout out to Pioneer Valley MA)? I tried for

Dude, in the fourth season (the one released much later on Netflix) there is even a plot line about a wall at the Mexican border (making fun of its absurdity).

Pence. Man, he’s always being left out. *kicks dirt*