
Coming to a PS5 near you.

Holy shit. Mike needs to do some voice over work. His voice. HIS VOICE!!!!


Can this man finish anything?

Alright. But how do you dress up as the rest of the Cubone?

I'm just happy their Link looks 1000x better than IGN's Link in the April Fools video.

This is great news but it also reminds me of that shooter that plays to the beat of music. What ever happened to that game? I believe it was being developed by the guys that made Guitar Hero.

Hahaha nothing wrong with that.

Exactly. I want to see all those things. These tech demos, although very impressive, don't show me where the life has been. This is why I loved Deus Ex: HR's design so much when it came to it's layouts. They put papers and coffee cups and junk EVERYWHERE in people's offices to truly show these people actually work

The problem with these demos is that everything looks to bloody clean. If you really want to convince me, show me that someone has lived in it, show me how the passage of time has affected the room. Humans are gross so show me some garbage laying about, some kitchen counter stains and some calcification on the metal

I think this is a good time to point all of your attention to an artist that was featured on this site before. Mei-Xing has created an amaaaaazing, new zelda piece. You really gotta see it: http://mei-xing.deviantart.com/art/Kakariko-V…

God damnit! I really wanted Rayman to be in the game.

That Brazzers one though....

Wow. Shikamaru looks amazing.

I'll be honest. I wasn't impressed but I know this is just the 1st teaser so I'll continue to follow this.

I guess if it's a matter of taste then there can be no argument.

That's normal. You remember you're watching it under a high speed camera where you can see every miniscule motion. In real time you hardly notice the flexing. If your sword doesn't bend like that you're looking at a sword soon to be broken.

You know nothing about swords...


Can we stop calling it weird? It's perfectly feasible in the Star Wars universe and besides, there have been some weirder shit concerning lightsabers anyway. Like a lightsaber whip.