I feel like it's a balancing act. QTE don't require much effort save your reflexes and observational skills. Knowing this I think the best QTE's are where it makes up for this lack with grand spectacles. When the QTE results in the character you're playing as doing something astoundingly, stupefyingly amazing it makes…
"A Sneak Peek at Where Naruto is Created"
Did you restart your browser?
Radioactive was good though...for it's time.
Anyone remember a Canadian produced game show called "UH-OH"? It was a lot of fun.
Wtf? Calm down Grayson. We didn't get a good Batman game for years and then Arkham Asylum showed up. Give it time.
You dirty bastards...
But wasn't there one already?
These guys are like our Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
This makes me want to see The Incredibles now...
This game looks like a lot of fun.
Yes, I think there is. Most importantly I must note that Game of Thrones' showrunners have yet to outright say that Arianne has been written out of the season. And who knows? Even if she's six feet under, dead as a Dorne nail for all intents and purposes right now, no one has said she can't appear in a later season.
I wasn't very impressed.
*sigh of relief*
"That meant evacuating some staff..."
I'm very weary of this game. It's so beautiful yet I can't help but think it will last 5 hours or less because of the amount of energy they poured into the graphics. Also, I don't see any innovative gameplay here. Of course it's only 3 minutes of gameplay but I think they should be showing off what is new instead of…