
Not as bad as Taiwan though.

Best acceptance video from a studio I have ever seen.

It's a good thing too. I almost closed the browser before I saw this. I love the developer they interviewed as well. Very humble looking guy. This game is so good it even kept Joel McHale quiet.

That Joel McHale...kind of an ass right?

Cedric hosts the show now? Wow I've been out of that loop for a long time. I thought the blonde lady still hosted it.

Put some pants on Marge!

I want a game that celebrates the character accurately. Don't just replace Mario with him in a MARIO game and call it a Luigi one. Luigi's Mansion is considered -to me at least - a Luigi game. The mechanics of that game are unique to Luigi and Luigi alone. Everything else is just a Mario game with Luigi tacked on.

Super Luigi U? Really? That's just a regular Mario game with Luigi replacing Mario. I hope they didn't sell that at full price.

This is so pointless. If they really want to represent Luigi they should release a game where he's the main character. Bring out Luigi's mansion 3 or something. Just give him a good game. No more of this green banner bullshit.

I just KNOW this is going to cost a hefty fee.

So basically, don't buy any console yet but if you really want to play something to pass the time then get a PS4.

I am going to try and buy it for Smash Bros and Zelda. 3D World looks great but right now I'm so tight on cash I have to hold off until the real heavy hitters get released. This doesn't even go for just video games, I have to treat all mediums this way. I hate being poor lol.

I named my company Zynga >:)

Not if you're as cool as me.

I would actually like to read some funny non-game related stories from the writers but I still think this article is worth writing about.

Shit, now I'm afraid the PS4 will overheat on me. It's a good thing I'm holding off on this generation.

I've never felt so indifferent during a new console generation.


This is history in the making. This is like Israel and Palestine hugging it out. This is like Obama and Kim Jong Un frollicing in the flowers. The Canadian is strong in these two.