
It’s a fairly typical phenomenon. Like what we imagine all the old-money, WASP-y places (Connecticut? Rhode Island? Manhattan?) to be like. Tom and Buffy and Cord and Taffy - they all know each other and always have and everyone vacations here and goes to school there and banks at this place and only lives in these

Teens at that age often aren’t capable of realising the long-term effects of their actions (truly—it takes quite awhile for your brain to fully develop the concept of risk and consequence). Her parents absolutely failed her, here. She may really live to regret this—she might grow up as she gets older. Right now she’s

I’ve said it before, but people like this really, really believe that there is a spot at the University of their choice with their name on it, and if they don’t get in it is because some brown person stole what was rightfully theirs. Not that they should have tried harder in school, or done extracurriculars that would

This was fantastic, Jia. This sentence in particular really summed up the entitlement that exists among upper-middle-class, mostly suburban white people:

you can’t “kind of know someone” if you’ve never met them or talked ot them.

I’ve been thinking about this all season long, and now that it’s over it’s just time to say it: Warriors fans are

She doesn’t seem to realize that the complaints weren’t that the nose and paint made her look ugly because those features are ugly, the nose and paint looked ugly because they were poorly done, obviously fake and made her look like a melting ball of wax.

this woman is so dumb! I don’t remember anybody being mad she had a prosthetic nose because it was ugly? people were mad because the fake nose and the darker shade of makeup was proof she was not right for the role.... she is trying to change goal post into a defense of balck beauty now? GTFOH...


“The fact that we’re talking about her, that Nina Simone is trending? We [f–king] won,” Saldana stated. “For so many years, nobody knew who the [f–k] she was”

I think Zoe should maybe never open her mouth on this subject again. It’s like she’s got a shovel and she wants to keep digging deeper and deeper...

Venezuela was fucked under capitalism, too. I love how people tend to have selective, and terribly short, memories when it suits their ideological outlooks. Or perhaps they never had memories to begin with, but simply chose to be completely fucking ignorant about everything other than the narrow target of their

I mean, he was joking. The tone is v light.

“I could buy this house, I don’t fucking need you.”

On the one hand, how much money does he make off of these videos that require zero investment other than the space and the equipment? Can’t he just rent a larger recording space on the few occasions that a small recording studio wouldn’t suffice? Especially if he was going to be yelling and screaming between 11pm and