The Senate has approved a defense budget that would also require women to register for the draft. The new rules…
The Senate has approved a defense budget that would also require women to register for the draft. The new rules…
This evening in New York City, mourners gathered outside the Stonewall Inn, paying candlelight vigil to the victims…
In today’s Tweet Beat, Gabrielle Union is not pregnant, Ryan Seacrest lives a charmed life and Gwent Stefani Gwen…
can he do surgery on his own brain??
Ben Carson, a sleepy, disoriented owl who can’t quite recall how he ended up in your cedar closet, will always be on…
My comment is pretty straightforward, I think.
Yes, I know all of that. Thanks for the treatise, though.
Correction: I don’t “need” to do anything that you tell me to do.
The only thing I find really disagreeable about this business is how its advertising uses words and imagery associated with children. That makes me a bit uncomfortable as this fetish is sexual for a lot of people.
Thanks for posting. Colton Haynes, continuing to be awesome in a number of ways. Ahem.
Did anyone notice that Colton Haynes pledged 5 grand to the ‘Save Sarah’ Go Fund Me thing? He was the top donor when I looked yesterday... Nothing to add pro or con. Just thought it was interesting.
We are not going to move forward as a race until we start valuing women’s and children’s lives as much as we value men’s lives.
Belief that children are your property.
Never pressure or force someone to be with their abusers.
They are able to grasp it. They also understand that the only reason studios don’t think they’ll be able to make money off movies with non-white actors is a wider racism in society, and that unless someone puts pressure on the studios to change their casting process, nothing will change.
Does anyone know a Pakistani that Damon could explain this to?
Greatest actor of his generation, hands down, and I will fight* you if you say otherwise.
What? Was Emma Stone not available?
How does Matt Damon feel about this potential casting?
DiCaprio is terrible in everything. Full stop. However, he might be ok in the Johnny Depp biopic. I think he could really immerse himself in the role of entitled, overrated shitbird.