

(Pictured: the reaction of American Jalops everywhere)

Is that the jaundice filter on Instagram?

No, she is just passed out from the mega orgasm Miley just gave her. See her hair all messy? That's just got off hair. Miley is pouty because it was her turn and this ho fell asleep and is not putting out. Rude.

In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!

I have one. It's called a Retina MBP.

Coincidentally, that's the same face his boy/girlfriend need to make when getting busy.

I can feel the self esteem of many men deflating as we speak.

She sold it for 50$? Oh, come on, lady. You go through all the trouble of stealing an ipad and you can't do better than that?

I like the fact that their personal lives rarely if ever come up, neither do their looks.

yes, Ian, I will allow you into my country.

Quattro > WRX

Send them a link to this if you want:

I said once that I work out constantly, and put thought into my dress and appearance, to even remain attractive to my wife, and he was like, "Why would you bother?"

Personally, I think it's a plot by the Tal Shiar

the pdk transmission is the best tranny you have used, and this might be better, and it's 8/10?

DD: Audi R10 Plus

What's even better is when I'm getting my Beethoven on while studying, all in my quiet little zone, then a random guy starts talking about some product and I start writing what he's saying without thinking about it.