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Thanks Burt, now I have this song stuck in my head.

I love Bryan Cranston. He's such an interesting interview, and he seems like a real class act.

Outrage that in 2014 a sports team in the United States still has a racial slur for a name is "feigning." Got it.

I was ready to hate you for listing Snuffy, but now I read your comment and see that you need a hug.

Them's fightin' words with the Snuffaluffagus hate! He was my favorite Sesame Street character. Back then Snuffaluffagus was only seen by Big Bird, so there was this great subplot on Big Bird's presumed insanity.

You know Rob, you and I have had our differences in the past and I have tried to move past them. But Rizzo the Rat & Snuffaluffagus I just, I just cant man. Ok I can, First Rizzo the rat, Come on. I am from the south there are whole genre's around making fun of my people and I except it, because we deserve it. Accept

9) Snuffaluffagus

I work for a current F1 engine supplier and here is why the noise is not gonna change any time soon.

We are Russian.

The 1980's want their ideas back.

Beware the Idiots of March

Times New Bigot

Even that font seems fucking racist.

I know I'm not the only one that thought about this:

I once read a 50 plus page thread on stormfront about whether or not Italians and Greeks were white. Shit gets ridiculous. Apparently you're only white if you live in a 50 km sq area of northern Finland

Now playing

One of the greatest lessons in stage magic, as performed by Penn & Teller.

It's an improvement in the same sense as the plain jane girl in 6th girl being "hotter" than the ugly one with buck teeth and lopsided tits. Certainly less personality and much more forgettable, but easier on the eyes.