Quasi Modigliani

While your average self-professed cinephile might sneer at classifying Wet Hot as obscure, especially now, it hasn't always enjoyed alt-comedy sacred cow status. For a few (arguably several) years its reputation was largely tied to appearing in the rotation of middling to forgettable movies Comedy Central played at

It's been nearly a month, time for another excuse to namecheck Wet Hot American Summer!

I think it may have more than a bit to do with the fact that they got in on the ground floor in terms of Wet Hot's cult classic status when Scott Tobias included it very early on in his "New Cult Canon" series. They may not have been the first publication to evangelize for the movie, but they appear to have

Its inclusion was also in keeping with the movie. A lot has been made of just how period-correct Wedren and Salett's music for the original Wet Hot was, to the point where some fans have mythologized that they wrote all the music. Looking over the soundtrack it's clear that about three quarters of the songs used were

The Tropes vs. Women series is meant to be educational, not academic (though she does have credentials in this particular field). She said in her "Feminism in Focus" video that the esoteric and insular nature of feminist academia was part of her inspiration to create a more accessible (both in terms of using less

They've been telegraphing the "Claire might not be as cold-blooded as Frank and is going to leave him" storyline since the end of season 2 when Claire broke down after calling Patricia Walker to seal Garrett's fate. It was jarring since Claire had known about Frank personally killing a US senator and a reporter

I think you're right, but I'm sure the size of both the platform and paycheck are tempting.

After his recent interview with Terry Gross while he was promoting Rosewater he spoke at length about contemplating leaving once his contract was finally up later this year, this isn't a huge surprise but he will be missed. John Oliver is doing well over at Last Week Tonight but I wonder if he wishes he had stayed on

The show became so mytholigized by its fans after its original run that a revival was never going to please everyone. However, the chemistry of the ensemble was the show's real strength, and due to scheduling conflicts episodes had to be shot without everyone present, and the dynamic that made the show work so well

This cast is awfully big for an 8-episode run. I'm starting to get the feeling this might end up like Netflix's Arrested Development revival, where everything felt rushed and it was a cameo parade with little room for character development, and that had a stronger foundation to start with in regards to the source

I'm still baffled by how suddenly it made the leap to cult classic from the rotation of middling to obscure movies Comedy Central played at odd daytime hours throughout the early-to-mid-2000s (remember Out Cold? no one else does either)

I keep waiting for Lynch to return to narrative features to show everyone who's been aping his oeuvre how it's done, but sadly I think I might be waiting forever.

For my pepperoni, I'd say it's significantly better than Season 7, though having Cory back without Trevor almost feels weirder than both of them being absent.

I've spent some time in NS and outside of Halifax I encountered a lot of people who would fit in all too well in Sunnyvale.

Nickelback is not a personal favorite of mine, but whenever hating something reaches meme status I'm suspicious. It seems like listing easily recognizable works or artists that you hate (and this is true across nearly all mediums) has become shorthand for good taste, rather than what does appeal to your sensibilities

While it's not helpful to treat radio stations like a museum , it might be preferable to the state of a lot of other alternative stations. Contemporary "alternative rock" is all those sound-alike bands like Capital Cities, Cage the Elephant, Atlas Genius, Imagine Dragons, and The Neighbourhood. Radio is more

The interviewer doesn't seem very impressed. I'm noticing some definite pushback.