
As a Valeera main, HotS players became a lot more toxic to me than any League players more recently. People tend to be more toxic when “they’re going to lose because of this person.” Be it a champion selection or something they did in game. While some can come from all-chat. It’s a rather small volume.

Higher spike damage. It’s definitely annoying. While it’s possible Death Blossom created more damage over a slightly longer period of time, Junkrat’s damage all happens in a single frame.

Wildstar does it so-so. Instanced cool, but without neighbors it’s unsatisfying.

Looks like the invitations are exclusive to female cosplayers.

The video card does all the rendering work, but if processes get bottle-necked or the rest of the system can’t keep up with the work the video card is putting out, then even the best video card won’t matter.

As a QA Analyst for a popular game, I can say that most bugs that we detect do not get fixed. The developers only care about the money, not a good game.

In the bug database there are 1400 known issues that the devs literally just comment “Won’t Fix” “Don’t Care”. They’re on a sprint cycle that rolls over every 2 weeks,