
I really hope it’s not true for the kids’ sakes. I don’t want to think she would lie or exaggerate, but that would be better than if the kids were actually hurt. I can’t help but wonder if maybe he got drunk and yelled at them and was being an asshole, as drunks can be, and maybe this wasn’t the first time... and she

Johnny Depp didn’t strike me as a wife abuser until he struck his wife. :/

Gut reaction here: I never usually buy into the “but he seems like a nice guy excuses”, Brad Pitt doesn’t strike me as a child abuser. Prove me wrong Internet.

Mrs. Skippy is an idiot. Jennifer Aniston moved on from the ending of her marriage with Brad years ago, and it’s way past time her fans did too.

People cheat because they are unhappy in their relationship.

Yeah she’s my bestie...

I said the exact same thing Wednesday. If he had a wondering peen and kept it more or less discrete except for rumors I think she’d be pissed but not divorce.

I have a lot of respect for Angelina, not simply because of this. I was shocked about the divorce though, they seemed rather solid.

My ex wife (I am a lesbian) abused me for years and I believed her excuses that it was because she was drunk or stoned or whatever. In reality, most people can consume substances like that without becoming abusive, so it’s not an excuse people should be making for Brad.

I totally agree. I was once dating a guy who just out of the blue hit one of my cats really hard in a fit of frustration and I broke it off right then and there. Not that children and cats are totally the same thing but they were *my* babies and still are and it was never will I ever tolerate type of thing for me.

It sure does. It’s been clear for a while that Angelina is more of a homebody than Brad (assuming that your actual “home” can be one of several houses,) and is really focused more on her U.N. work and family as time goes by. If Brad is still interested in jet-setting and drinking heavily and partying and stuff, that

Yep, this is pretty much the only circumstance I can ever see that I would 100%, unequivocally divorce my husband. I can’t see him ever cheating, but if he did we might be able to work through it. But not abuse.

I may be thinking overly optimistically, but I hope it encourages people to make anonymous reports to CPS/DCFS when they see signs of child and domestic abuse. Even if it feels like it goes nowhere to the person who reported it... it starts a paper trail that will (hopefully) help the survivor.

Yeah this is a “one strike and you’re out” deal. Would be for me too.

Eh, I’m of two minds with this. I agree it shouldn’t be trivialized or sensationalized, but if approached correctly it could be good. I grew up with physical and sexual abuse and I think if I hadn’t believed I was the only one going through something similar (or that it was a bad reflection on me and my family - like

That is true. And Angie probably has no tolerance, she doesn’t strike me as the type to be lenient when it comes to the safety of her kids.

It may have really been a one-off, if that helps you feel any better. Sometimes people just go off the deep end quite suddenly. Alcohol is one of the deep end’s best friends.

I literally don’t want to know this. Please, as a fucking nation or whatever, let’s not sensationalize, thereby trivialize, child abuse or treat it like a weapon to be used for our entertainment as two celebrities spar with each other. These children and children like them are watching and reading and taking this in,

I thought it was something like this. My impression is that Angelina may let slide an on set affair but she would never ever ever accept and turn a blind eye to such alleged acts. I think part of it stems from having a shitty father.

We wanted juicy gossip not allegations of child abuse :(.