
Ok. . . . .as a brain-researcher, I gotta step in here. . . . We know a fuckton about the human brain. We do not know everything—for sure—(every piece of research that emerges about the brain should be seen as just a teensy tiny error ridden fallible piece of a larger puzzle).

Anti-vaxxers co-opt his life, and the lives of all other people with autism, as a weapon in their puerile anti-establishment conspiracy delusion. They point to people like my son and say I would rather my child die than be like this, and so should everyone. Fuck them, fuck the horse they rode in on and fuck the cow

They point to people like my son and say I would rather my child die than be like this, and so should everyone.

ALL the stars for you. My son has high-functioning autism. After years of occupational therapy, speech therapy, behavioural therapy and special education, he lives a full and completely independent life. He has a responsible job, lives in his own place, plays in a garage band, has wonderful friendships, loves to paint

Because it’s not totally possible. You’re acting like there are questions here. This is not an area of unknowns. We know how wi-fi works. We know how the radiation it emits works. We know that it has no health effects on the human body. This is all stuff that has been known for literally decades. You might as well say

No, I just understand how radiation works. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with science. If wi-fi signals were dangerous, we’d already see the effects with radio and TV signals, which are basically the same thing.

If you think non-ionizing radiation is harmful to you, stay in a dark faraday cage at all times and you might have hope. Otherwise, wi-fi is no different from all the radio and TV signals that go through you every moment of the day and have since we started broadcasting radio over a century a go.

Politics will be politics, and garbage politicians say stupid shit they don’t believe all the time in order to appeal to large swaths of, let’s face it, fucking morons. But, some things have to remain sacred. There is no finer example than hiding behind the bullshit axiom of, “I’m just asking questions.” No you are

Yeah. She’s not anti-vax in the same way Mitch McConnell wasn’t a birther. He never said President Obama wasn’t born in America, he just acknowledged that “many Americans have questions” about it.

“I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I just play one on TV.”

The thing is, she’s not anti-vacc, she just panders to anti-vacc people. And then refuses to admit there's a distinction and how dare you suggest she opposes vaccinations.

Other Highlights:

Oh, man, you just reminded me of all the people who would come from states that don’t have sales tax and insist to me (in a state that did, at a tourist location) that that meant they did not have to pay sales tax ANYWHERE. They’d get so incredibly angry about it, too.

I never voted for the dude. I blame Eliot Cutler, a nice guy who is just enough of an asshole to not drop out for the good of the state. I also have a beef with a few of my friends who voted for him the second time, when it was clear he wasn’t going to win and they already knew what the alternative would be like, but

What’s that about your governor, Maine?

As someone born and raised in New England, New Hampshire is only there for cheap booze, and so we have someplace to put all the libertarian crazies where they can’t do too much damage.

This guy is a case study in why people from Maine prefer only to deal with New Hampshire when it comes time to buy cheap booze or to pass through as quickly as possible on the way to Boston.

Have any of you ever had the unique experience of hearing this dude speak? His normal speaking voice is this hoarse scream that is very... alarming. I get the sense that he thinks he’s still in the Marines yelling at new recruits or something, rather than answering questions from the “lib’ral media.”

And then we criticize her “boxy” outfits that she has to wear to accommodate her bullet proof vest.

There have been no military executions since 1961 although the death penalty is still a possible punishment for several crimes under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.