Quantum Suicide

what happened to the interest?

She fucking did not. READ MOTHER JONES.

Bernie Sanders is becoming more ridiculous by the day.

Trump being an asshole is a given, but Bernie’s also an asshole for even considering this. It can only serve to hurt Clinton even further, and give Trump yet more publicity. Even if Bernie somehow did well (which I doubt, as simply repeating the same three talking points over and over didn’t help him against Clinton,

He dicksmacked all the repub’s into following his “narrative” and now he’s going to try and gobsmack the democratic narrative into all Trump, all the time.

The phrase “women’s health issues or something” makes me want to kick him right in his shriveled dick or something.

I let out a laugh so loud at this comment that my cat became concerned.

It was probably past his nap-time.

And that’s the truth.

“Sanders campaign becomes unhinged because they were not allowed to subvert Nevada primary results”

“The vicious response has come as millions of new voters, many of whom felt excluded by establishment politicians, have flocked to the insurgent campaigns of Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump.”

I have a 10-going-on-16-year-old and 12-going-on-whatEVEROMGGGG-year-old and I am already so fucking sick of teenagers. I don’t even have teenagers yet.
Congratulations on everyone surviving so far, btw.
That Rubio tweet made me simultaneously laugh and want to take away his electronics.

I hear you Marco. I told my mom 1000 times on mother’s day that I hadn’t gotten my haircut. She would not quit asking when I got my haircut.

Okay, I have a question. They keep going on about how “their vote was ignored!” but... it seems to me as if the ‘vote’ was their attempt to completely change established procedure.

It’s time for him to fucking drop out. You’ve lost. Look at how ugly your supporters behavior is. Is this really what you wanted when you started this, Bernie? For shame.

That’s the worst part! I’ve spent the last 12 years not calling out teenagers for a lot of their annoying know-it-all bullshit because I remember being the exact same way with my dad.

It’s just like, WHATEVER! No one even LISTENS to me!

Our youngest of three is 18 and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I AM SO SICK OF TEENAGERS.