Quantum Suicide

Yeah, I was around for Crosstalk/Xtalk, I started ClashTalk pre-kinja, and I’m still there now; I’m objecting to this “ClashTalk Mean Girl” characterization.


But this Iphone has a New Hat!

What do you do when your lady friends say sexist things?

I love this!!! Here’s a hi-res shot for your scrap book. 😚

Knee + ankle.

Hey Horny Ant Heeeeeyyyyyyy!

Horny aunt, is that you?!?!

Ah, anagram.


She's an EGOT so your question is invalid. Look her up.


Letterman: "What 'Cosby' spells backwards, if that actually spelled something backwards, that's what we'd call a 'conundrum.'"

"Conundrum! That's a conundrum!"

I think he meant "palindrome?" Like, if "C-O-S-B-Y" spelled backwards was a legit word ("Y-B-S-O-C") it'd be a "palindrome."

Rita Moreno was on Access Hollywood yesterday and talked about how she'd never go on Letterman's show because he was so clearly uncomfortable with women.

Rush Limbaugh hates the school because it's "elitist" (and a Democrat went there once), but he's still jumping into the fight just to scream and shout about this so-called "War on Football?"

Is it weird to ask why the hell charges against her even filed? This has been a really weird (and sad) DV case.

Too subtle for me.