
No he doesn’t, but if he isn’t honestly, what’s the alternative?

Think about the implication if she actually is a Skywalker or a Solo; so Han, Leia, Luke or any combination of those three just abandoned her on a backwater, and left her for dead and then ALL pretended like they had no idea who the fuck she was? That

I will dance and sing the day Trump is assassinated or dies from some cardiovascular issue. I don’t care how it happens, I want that orange piece of shit in a fucking grave.

You should report him to the devs.

Funny enough, if there’s three people that are going to be left in jail because of their father it’s gonna be them:

If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:

Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with

Oh, did they bring in a team of handwriting experts from Quantico to analyze each and every one of these samples or did they get Miss Mulgillycutty and Coach Zacowitz to look at them in the teacher’s lounge during their snack breaks?

I think I can speak for many people, black or white, when I say:

John Elway is on my fucking list, man. If it weren’t for the blind loyalty of this fan base, he’d have been run out on a rail after last year. Between 1) the Trump humping, 2) the failure to get Kaepernick in here as a backup (see number 1), 3) a failure to draft/sign anyone of consequence on the OL over the past 3

If Trump fires Mueller and the GOP continues to obstruct justice, every one of our outraged asses needs to be marching in the streets.


We are the dumbest generation.

Re #4. I’m a little surprised that the post really doesn’t touch on Kelly. This is not entirely on him. John Kelly fabricated that lie about Rep. Wilson and enjoyed delivering it. All those people claiming that he was not down with 45 and was just there to be the “adult” in the room.

On days that end with “ber”

That shot was the tits.

“Man, the Browns are getting killed out here. You’d think they played in Las Vegas.”

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

But guys, he helped them too.

It was a different time. You may not know this, but in 2008, we didn’t really know it was wrong to kidnap and rape children. Just like we didn’t know it was wrong to beat women until 2014. It’s been a very busy decade for us becoming “woken” and stuff.