
"Still, it's still amazing to me that anonymous people want to burn a man without having a condemning verdict by a court of law, without applying the most basic concept of presumption of innocence."

I'm really impressed with my brand new (i.e. as of today) Droid X. For me, it was the hands-down better choice over the Incredible. First, I love the larger form factor and screen size; then again, I have freakishly large hands. Second, and coming off a G1, I was hesitant to go with another Android-enabled HTC for

What about weight? It looks like it could be heavy.

@Priper: The image interpolation used to synthesize a 240Hz refresh rate causes the dreaded "soap opera effect." I can't stand watching video with motion interpolation turned on; it looks like I'm watching a puppet show. Ironically, a significant amount of people end up turning off that feature off.

Can someone help me find the "Political Commentary" checkbox on here so that I can disable it? Thanks!

This idea didn't turn out so well the last time they tried it in Middle Earth.

The Flat Earth Society does not approve this entry.

@phijef: Rockets the size of skyscrapers, full of fuel (i.e. chemical energy that is subsequently transformed into kinetic energy) are used to lift objects (i.e. change their potential energy) into Earth orbit. That incredible amount of energy has to be dissipated somehow (i.e. into thermal energy) for that same

I can haz mp4 support? Hooray!

Still no mic input? Sheesh.

"These are the LED equivalent of incandescent mini-lights. They're small LED bulbs in a plastic enclosure. Usually the "white" level is waaaay off from the "white" of incandescent lights."

Google sleeper cells.

@Nick: Anyone remember Zartan?

Its about time that they added a mic input. Also, a meager optical zoom would be nice. I don't think these two features are asking for too much, nor do I think that they would compromise their design premise (i.e. minimalist design and dirt-simple operation).

I don't understand the App Store tags comment; I understand the notion of sprucing up the app database, but not that specific comment. After all, Synaptic has a search box that you can use to query the database for any set of keywords. Of course, it pales in comparison to the efficiency of tab autocompleting while

IME, Dysons are over-priced, over-hyped POSs.

I find it ironic that a webpage cataloguing bad UI designs would use a play button icon to forward you to a page displaying a larger image.

Kudos on the tasteful combination of modern and deco elements. Its bold, but it works very well. The only thing I would change is the color of the desk and bookcase so that they mesh with the black coffee table.

The primary function of an automobile should be mobility. However, automobiles have been marketed so that they serve the manufactured and tantamount function of projecting status and identity. I've had an idea for a while that only a revolution in the ownership model can change the car culture for better in the US.