
In the process of making piri pir chicken wings with a side of roasted garlic sauce and crumbled feta. Think it will be pretty tasty.

Ubisoft logic. Cowardice is a good political look.

That’s a great joke on a typo.

I have seen that, and it is pretty good.


Absolutely, they could form their own commission, and they would even be able to put some willing republicans on there (outside of the Senate there definitely are some) for it to be rendered bipartisan.

I have watched both recently on D+ and I suppose I can grant you that they are similar, though I would’ve given Titan the mention strictly for Don Bluth’s involvement and what happened to his career following that, which is a pretty sad story, especially given that he was extremely passionate about returning to a

Lol, this scene was exactly where my uncertainty with posting the mention came from.

Some really good mentions on this list.

Hmmmm.... I was going to go with Commando, but I’m not so sure Matrix’ character was ‘secretly’ a badass.

Off topic, I fucking hate senate republicans.

Peaked in 2015?

Gotta be a whole lot easier than selling censored versions of records.

I can certainly see why that place needed to be destroyed by a fire.

Really?  Blech

Let me know if I need to explain it to you.

Richard is not my name.  :)

Sorry to make light, but.

Yes, that is true.  The ‘joke’ was in the megalomaniacal narcissist who was using it.  Ergo this shit about Bernie being a non-story.

I feel like in a hellscape of a time continuum where a former president demanded a Diet Coke button at the Resolute Desk that looked like a button that may also have unleashed the nukes, this is a fucking non-story.